Back Home (and ALLLL the pictures from the past 3 months)

  The kids and I (Katelyn) are back! Back to warm (hot), gorgeous, slow-paced St Kitts. Back with Aaron, our house, our own beds, and our new friends. Back to routine and ministry and "real-life." It feels good to be home, but even better to truly feel like home is where we are.

  I left off last time at 1am just before the second catagory 5 hurricane, in a two week time period, was about to pass by our island home. I'm praising God that our island, home, and Aaron were all safe and sound! The island had some trees and signs down, a few roofs were damaged, and a couple roads had to be repaired. However, compared to places like Barbuda, St Martin, Dominica, and Puerto Rico, we were so happy to be mostly ok. 
 I have so many pictures, and I'll use them to walk you through the highlights of our summer (or the middle of "rainy season", as we only have 2 season here).

 Aaron got the opportunity to preach at our church, CCF, while our pastor and his family were on furlough. He used some pretty interesting items to talk about being used for the purpose that God made us for!

The Comers (Aaron's parents) finished up their visit with us.

Airport goodbyes are so hard!

 We had an intern named Hannah who stayed with us for 2 weeks! Such a sweet woman who loves the Lord!
The teenage boys from church showing us how to climb trees and pick mangos. I miss fruit season already!!

The kids attended a summer camp and VBS before starting back to school this year.

 Aaron spoke at a meeting of the Christian Vet Fellowship club on campus at Ross University of Vet Med!

We got to host game night at our house!

The Vet students love Clover <3

 We launched Celebrate Recovery at Her Majesty's Prison!!! We have seen two salvations already, which is incredible and shows us that God is moving!!!! Many of the Kittitians feel as though they have "heard it before." They believe it, but are not ready to accept the Lord personally. They feel like it's something to do later, when they are too old for partying and ready to settle down. They have also been taught that God may not forgive them if they sin too much, that they aren't welcome to come to Jesus until they've finished with their sin, or that they have to follow a bunch of man-made rules to really be saved. 

We were able to gift 11 women at the prison with a new Celebrate Recovery Bible thanks to Faith Promise Church! We've handed out several others at New Horizons, to people at church who needed a bible, and there are still more we have and more being brought down for us to give away!

Our friends came home from furlough!!!

We had to say goodbye to another semester of students :( 

I love that we pray over them before sending them out all over the world! Many of the students come to this island seeking the Lord and at many different levels in their walk. Our church and bible studies and discipleship ministry seeks to equip them in the two years they spend here, before launching them out into the craziness of clinical and professional life. It's so wonderful to watch God change and teach and mold!

I got to attend part of a women's retreat with Beacon of Hope Church

We learned about health risks on the island. Drug or alcohol related deaths are the #8 highest cause of deaths in St Kitts! It was such a strong reminder of why we are here.

We also discussed being Women in Leadership and how to serve God in the ways he has called us to serve.

Addalyn started attending painting classes twice a month! She loves art and she is learning a lot about technique!

My parents came to visit in August! They took a few days to celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary at a beautiful resort called Belle Mont Farm. 

They let us come stay with them for two nights (our electricity was out at our house).

We also invited some friends to come up, and we got to celebrate Cassie's birthday with her!

Another airport goodbye. It doesn't get any easier.

One of Aaron's youths from New Horizon has started coming to our church! He doesn't always make it, but his girlfriend and his sister have become really involved! Our church recently launched a youth group led by the Flemmings and we are starting to see more local young adults/teenagers coming to CCF!
Youth group pic! (Aaron was able to help one night)

Hurricane Irma threw a wrench in our plans for the beginning of September. Once we realized that it was going to be serious, our parents bought tickets so that the kids and I could evacuate to TN. 

Aaron chose to stay in St Kitts so that he could help as soon as possible with whatever was needed. It was the hardest decision we have ever had to make! God opened opportunities for Aaron to make connections (he met the prime minister! and also connected with a new men's organization), help friends, and launch ministry!

He was even able to launch Celebrate Recovery at Beacon of Hope Church the week between the hurricanes! 

The kids and I got to meet the newest Comer, beautiful Ella!

And see our favorite boy cousin, Eli!

The kids and I were a little cold as Knoxville decide to feel like fall most of the time we were there! 
We saw so many wonderful friends and spent time with family. We are so grateful for each of you that took the time to come play us or have us over to your homes!!! It made a very stressful few weeks much more bearable and enjoyable. We love you all!!!

 Some post-hurricane pictures from St Kitts 
after Irma


The Maria hit

I'm happy to say that most of the damage from the storms has been repaired or is in the process! St Kitts is getting back on its feet quickly, and the residents here have been sending loads of help and supplies to the surrounding islands!

I was interviewed for Channel 8 news in Knoxville! It was wonderful to get to speak about God and His faithfulness and His goodness on TV!

After 3 weeks and canceled flights and 2 hurricanes, it was time for the kids and I to say goodbye-for-now to Knoxville.

Happy Faces and TONS of luggage on our way to our house. Daddy almost got knocked over as the three of us hugged him hello! 

We were back just in time to participate in the semesterly clothing drive that the Christian Vet Fellowship club puts on. This time our clothes and household items were being donated to other islands in need. 

 We aso had one last play date with our sweet friends Bea and Cecilia before they moved to Africa for their dad's job!

Last week the OM (operation mobilization) ship Logos Hope came to St Kitts! They are a ship with 400 supported missionaries from 67 different nationalities that sail around, have a book store, evangelize, do ministry projects in the communities, partner with local churches and missionaries, and offer several fun events on the ship!

The Women's Prayer Breakfast was so fun! It was great to worship and learn with Kittitan women, and women from all over the world!

CCF group at the breakfast

 A team from the ship came and spoke at our church on Sunday morning. The represented 8 countries just between that team!

 Aaron volunteered on the ship for 3 days as an Ambassador. He was able to share the gospel with hundreds of people who came through the book fair and then through The Journey of Life. He walked them through a modern day version of the prodigal son and then answered questions and prayed with the people he walked through. He really enjoyed getting to be a part of this ministry!

Aaron leading our kids through The Journey of Life

We were blessed to be able to attend a pastor's conference on board the ship as well!

Logos Hope sent a team with Aaron and I to the prison to do outreach! The prison's worship band played for us and then Abram from the ship gave his testimony and shared the Word. Two incredible things happened that day: First, the prison is on lock down and we haven't been able to do CR for the past few weeks. However, they allowed Logos to come in and minister anyway! Second, women aren't allowed on the men's side of the prison, but they forgot to organize time for us with the ladies in the prison. They, instead, allowed us to go and sit with the men! I was pretty intimidated, and we weren't allowed to speak to any of the residents, but it was a blessing to get to see where Aaron ministers each week and to have a better understanding of the prison outside just the classroom where I lead the ladies' group. 

The last 3 months have flown by so fast! I'm shocked that it's nearly the middle of October. We are just a few weeks away from our 1 year anniversary on the island! Thank you for your prayers and support! 

We are in the process of evaluating our budget for living and ministry expenses now that we have lived here for about a year. We have so many wonderful people who give anywhere from $25 a month and up, and they are enabling us to proclaim freedom to the captives of addictions, hang-ups, and hurts here in St Kitts! If being financially invested in this ministry is something you can do, then we would love to have you on our team! You can set up one-time or monthly donations through our missions agency at Shepherd's Staff - Aaron and Katelyn Comer 

The Comers


  1. Great things Our God is doing in St. Kitts, with the Comers and other ministers on this and surrounding islands. If you can help with your prayers and support to this ministry, PLEASE DO!


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