
“Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me. Do not banish me from your presence, and don’t take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and make me willing to obey you. Then I will teach your ways to rebels, and they will return to you.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭51:10-13‬

  Redeem v. 1. compensate for the faults or bad aspects 2. gain or regain possession in exchange for payment. It's also one of my favorite words in the English language. Redeemed - in spite of all the junk I have done, all the chaos I have caused. Redeemed - paid for by my Father, my life has been bought back. What was once my mess is now what God is using to help point others back to Him. 

  As we finished up the CR 12-Steps with the women in the prison. we decided to take a few months to study the Word and answer questions they may have about the Bible. Over and over these last two years we have talked about feelings; anger, indignation, anguish, loneliness, desperation, guilt, shame, repentance, desire to be loved, desire to be forgiven, and on and on. What a better place to turn than to the Psalms that David wrote? Entire chapters where we see that it is ok, no matter the feeling, to pour our hearts out to a God who cares deeply for us. 

  This past week we studied Psalm 51. Verse 13 leaped off the page before my eyes. Just like me David had sinned and sinned big. Just like me he knew better, he knew the right way. These verses of repentance were more than just, "I'm sorry." David knew that when he experienced God's forgiveness he would be compelled to share this amazing news with those around him, those still stuck in their mess. 

  Y'all, this is what we get to do! God has REDEEMED us and now allows us to share His good news for HOPE and a NEW LIFE. We are able to boldly proclaim to rebels (which we used to be) that God is waiting to clean them up and set them free. That He wants to redeem their lives and use them in the same ways He is using us. It's basically the best job ever. 

  Whether we are at CCF (our church), Bible studies, Celebrate Recovery, the prison, the juvenile rehabilitation center, or one-on-one meeting with people, we both feel the privilege it is to encourage others and to continuously point them to Jesus. It's not easy; we have seen friends relapse, people drop out of the program, and men and women walk away from the church. But we have also seen God change lives. 

May and June flew by so fast, and now July is half way over! The kids finished up their first year at SKI academy, Aaron's parents were able to come visit, and then it was time to say goodbye to our wonderful friends, the Graysons. After serving God here in St Kitts for over eight years, pastoring CCF and growing it into a ministry that serves and loves an international community, and investing in countless lives, it was time for them to move back home to Indiana. We will forever be grateful for the ways they loved and served us, taught us, and constantly pointed us to Christ. It's not goodbye forever, but it was still one of the hardest "see ya laters" that we have had.

In this transition, please join us in praying for those who attend our church and CR, both "inside" the prison and out. Please pray for us and our friends, the Flemmings, as we have taken on many of the church responsibilities while we wait for the Gills, our future pastor and his family, to move down. Please pray that the all we get to do is led by God and God alone. 

Now, for the fun part: all the pictures!

We had two baptisms!

Michelle has been coming to CCF for a while and decided it was time to obey the Lord in baptism.

Abby is a wonderful part of the church's worship team!

She also felt like it was finally time to be baptized and publicly declare her love for God. Both of these women amaze me. I'm so grateful to know them!

 The Gills came to visit! Sye is our new pastor here at our church, CCF. Unfortunately, they have not been able to move to the island as Sye heals from a massive eye injury and multiple surgeries. We are all so ready for this family to get to "ok" and to get down here permanently!

 Sye was able to teach on the Sunday morning they were here.

 Angela learning all about that local life #coconutjelly

 Both Sye and Angela pitched in with ministry. Sye joined Aaron and Marlo at New Horizons Juvenile Rehabilitation Center.

This is a super special photo because it was our entire church leadership team all together at the same time! It was such a sweet meeting and chance to work on continued unity.

Dean and I went on a hike with some of our friends

It was much more intense than I expected. Instead of two hours it turned into a FIVE hour excursion!

But waterfalls and amazing views made up for the hard work.

The top felt like our own little jungle hideaway!

Aaron has been preaching a lot lately as we transition leadership of the church

I loved the imagery he gave with nailing our guilt to the cross! 

Our friend, and Aaron's co-pastor, Kistian was ordained! Plus he and Cassie dedicated their precious baby boy, Ezra, to the Lord.

My amazing friend and co-laborer Amelia stepped into more teaching and leadership roles at the church and at CR. We only get her on island half the year, but she is a HUGE blessing to us all of the time.

Aaron was also ordained as a pastor! 

His parents were able to come down and celebrate this huge milestone with us.

We had a church ladies painting night! Alexis taught us how to make gorgeous sunset scenes.

Even Addalyn and Audri participated!

Final products

The kids wrapped up another school year, our first at SKI Academy. 

I'm always shocked at the growth and change each year brings!

This also set off a chain reaction of goodbyes. Addalyn's teacher is moving to China with his wife!

Our school's principal and his wife (the PE teacher) and daughter are moving back to Canada.

Luckily Dean will still get to see Ms Woodley around the school next year.

The Nussbaumer family has been living on their boat in St Kitts for 2 year. They headed back to Switzerland for some needed medical care and a time of rest. Their daughter Sara was such a sweet friend to our kids. We miss them all for sure!

On the Graysons' last Sunday we sent them off CCF style! We surrounded them, prayed for them, and then ate delicious food with them. 

Dean had his first ever sleepover! His buddy Henry came and stayed the night. They were so sweet and had a blast.

Addalyn had her last sleepover with Audri before her family's big move.

The kids had beach day with all their friends from school!

We love the kids in their classes.

We soaked up every extra minute we could get with these sweet friends.

We have cherished our pool days, cookouts, game nights, and ministry events all together.

Our kids love their kids.

and we are glad that goodbye is not forever.

These people are our family here. It's amazing how God knits people together in such unexpected places and ways. The Graysons will always be family to us, no matter where they call home. Saying goodbye broke my heart, but it's amazing to see God's faithfulness in even this!

Thank you for reading and keeping up! We will be spending the next 6 weeks in the USA. We hope to see you all and to be able to share with you in person about all God is doing here in St Kitts.


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