Time Away (or is it time back?)

n. leave of absence 

  The last 6 weeks in the US was a wonderful whirlwind of fun, love, rest, travel, sharing, hugging, experiences, tears, and (of course) eating all the food (yum!). We were confronted with things like; Are we going home or leaving home? Are we on a break or just working in a different way? Should we take it easy or cram everything in? Do we say yes or no? Do we eat chick fil a again? When we go back to St Kitts, is it leaving home or going home? The answer to every questions was "yes!" 

  We headed out the afternoon of Dean's 6th birthday!

Thanks to some wonderful people, we had both a house to stay in and a car to drive for free while we were in the states!

Aaron and I kicked off the trip with a get away, just the two of us, at White Stone Country Inn. They do a special rate for missionaries, pastors, or those who work for ministries. It also happens to be where Aaron and I got married almost 11 years ago! It was the perfect way to settle and reconnect before the craziness of the next month and a half.

 We spent a LOT of time with our parents, siblings, and nieces & nephews. We tried hard to soak up every moment we got to spend with each of them.

 The highlight of our trip was being able to be a part of my sister's wedding! We got to travel to Maui and be a part of the whole celebration. I couldn't be happier for Olivia and her new HUSBAND Alex :) They are perfect for each other and they adore each other. I'm excited to watch as their life and family unfold.


 Back on the "mainland" we met with small groups, spoke at churches, and did all we could to share about the work God is doing through CR in St Kitts. We traveled to Indiana, Kentucky, and Middle Tennessee. We saw family and friends (and family of our friends). We packed every minute full of being with people we love and care about and miss. 

THANK YOU to everyone who carved out time for us, fed us, prayed for us, let us share with you, had us to your church, let us sleep at your house, or met up with us to spend a few hours catchup up. You all mean the world to us and made our time stateside a blessing and an encouragement. We can't wait to see you again next year!

Before we knew it, we were back on an airplane headed for the island and our home. We had quite an adventure because all 4 of us were sick or recovering while on the planes (yuck!) Saying goodbye was not fun. We cried and hugged tried to be brave while we walked the security and back to our life far away from family and TN.

We have been back in St Kitts for a few days now. We are unpacked, rested up, and ready for this next season of ministry and life. We are back to all 4 CR programs this week! Aaron is preaching on Sunday at church, and we started back to school with the kids. We are finding our rhythm and routine faster than we expected. 

We will be training a new church, Light House Baptist Church, to do CR in June! And God has provided for 2/3 of our kids' tuition, so in faith we will be putting our kids in SKI academy this fall! For each of you who heard us share, we were so happy to be able to share chapter 1 with you. Now we can't wait to see what God writes in the rest of this story! 

The Comers


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