June - Summer!

  It is HOT! As I sit here typing this, I'm sweating. We sweat when we cook, play, work, read, drive, and sleep. It has gotten hot enough to where the we sweat while the AC is running in our room. It's hot.

  June brought more than heat though. It brought lots of fun, and also lots of emotions and busyness as we traveled, welcomed family here, prepared for our first not-related-to-us house guest, and launched and continued ministry.

Early June we began training the wonderful CR volunteers from Beacon of Hope and Caribbean Christian Fellowship. We expect to launch Celebrate Recovery next month! These amazing men and women come faithfully each week to spend 1 hour learning about the ministry, how we do it, and why. Then most of them stay for the 2nd hour and are going through 12 step studies to learn how to be small group leaders. The 12 steps are not easy! Our second week in I was greeted with comments of "These questions are hard!" and "This takes a lot of time." and "These things are really personal." Even still, each one has risen to the occasion and decided to dive in deep and work each step. We already have volunteers seeing areas of their lives that they need to turn over to the Lord and experiencing His power to change them! CR is truly a ministry for everybody.

We also started a Marriage Small Group! It was something we have been missing from Knoxville, and we know how important it is for Christian couples to spend time together, encouraging one another and holding each other accountable. Right now its 5 couples from our church, but we would love to see it grow into a tool to reach out to other married couples in our communities. We decided to start with You & Me Forever by Francis and Lisa Chan. We HIGHLY recommend it!

We took our first trip off island to go on a family vacation with my side of the family! My sweet parents paid for us to fly in and be a part of celebrating my brother's 40th birthday and my sister's 27th birthday. It was a huge blessing to get to spend intentional time with all of them!

We ate all the fast food!

*Angels were singing, heavenly light was beaming down on us* Ok, maybe not, but getting some Chick-fil-a really was a highlight lol

These people who make up my family mean the world to me! I'm so grateful for time we got to spend together! Love you all!

Once we arrive back in St Kitts, Aaron's parents arrived to spend 2 whole weeks with us!

We had so much fun showing them all the sites and letting them experience our new home.

They brought us some much appreciated items, like new fan blades for our ceiling fan!

Saying goodbye is not something we enjoy. We still cry every time, and we still have a time of transition after. Saying goodbye twice in a couple of weeks, knowing it will be 8 months until we see most of these people again, was really really hard. We would never trade the goodbyes though, because goodbye means that we got to say "hello" and that makes it all worth it! We love you Chuck & Becky! Thank you for coming down!

CR bible study at New Horizons Juvenile Detention Center has continued, and Aaron continues to see growth in the students each week! Please pray that the students choose to seek the Lord as they transition out of New Horizons.
Bible studies, Tech ministry, prayer team, discipleship, and just being available to the people God asks us to serve are all going really well. We would love your prayers that we continue to balance things well and that we never forget to spend time at the feet of the One who enables us to do these things!
Launching in the Prison has continued to be pushed out as we navigate cultural differences in communication and values of time. We know God's timing is perfect, and we are trusting in that, but we do have another meeting this coming Monday so prayers that we set a 100% official day and time to start would be appreciated!

We love you all, and thank you for enabling us to do this ministry through your prayer and support and care!
The Comers

This is a mongoose. I get asked what a mongoose is pretty frequently by those of you from the US! They are EVERYWHERE and run around like squirrels :) They are also the reason we have no snakes (praise hands! my laptop doesn't have emjois, lol)!


  1. We love you you and continue to pray for favor - Kevin & Isabell

    1. Thank you! And us for you all as well! Love you guys!


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