God is preparing St Kitts too

As many of you know, this journey to get us to St Kitts, and even to this point has been quite a long one! This July will be four years since God first put working in ministry on our hearts. April will be three years since He connected us with St Kitts. Three years that felt like an eternity. We had goals we had to meet; get out of debt, figure out what God wanted us to do on the island, and then get prepared to do what He called us to. As God directed us for the last 3 years He also equipped us. He has taught us faith, patience, dependance on Him, and developed our passion and relationships with Him to a whole new level!
We still have goals, but suddenly they seem much more concrete and possible and terrifyingly urgent; sell our condo, sell our cars, and mostly to be 100% support raised by October 1. He is still using these seemingly impossible goals to teach us and mold us and to prove Himself as our faithful provider who we can trust in and rely on. 
All this time we have been able to see why we had to wait 3 years, why we needed to be developed to be who we need to be for this journey. What we never imagined is that God was preparing our precious St Kitts too! Last year a new Prime Minister was elected in St Kitts. The old Prime Minister was the second only since St Kitts received it's independence 32 years ago. He was, unfortunately, quite a corrupt official and is now being investigated for a number of crimes during his leadership. The new Prime Minister has quite a lot to do in order to get St Kitts where he and many others would like it to be. He has already begun appointing new officials into many government offices, including a new Superintendent of the Prison. Superintendent Hodge has been all over St kitts news the past few weeks as he is overhauling the prison and making it more secure (more about that here). In addition he is now calling for alternatives to incarceration! This island and its government are now ready to consider things such as half way houses and other alternatives to alleviate the severe over crowding in the prison. We cannot imagine a better time to be bring Celebrate Recovery to St Kitts!
While we were last in St Kitts we met a wonderful woman who introduced herself as Sister Dollie. She came to our worship night and sang a beautiful hymn. After the service we spoke to her and told her of our plans to move down. She talked to us about her experiences as a police officer and was encouraging of what we were coming to do. With the new administration she was also recently given a new position, Assistant Commissioner of Police. She is in fact the first female to be appointed to Police High Command in St Kitts! We reached out to Dollie and told her that we are so excited about what is happening in St kitts and how God really seems to be preparing a way for us to make a difference there. She was also excited and is helping us to get in contact with Superintendent Hodge. She said she spoke to him about what we are doing and that He is excited about it as well! 
Every time we think we've seen all God is doing or that He has finally shown us the whole plan, He always turns around and surprises us in unimaginable ways! He is a crazy amazing God and we can't wait to see the next thing He does! Please be praying with us as we contact Superintendent Hodge and as we continue to work towards our departure! 

If you want to be a part of what God is doing with all of this financially then you can click here! We need to raise right around $20,000 for moving cost and around $3,500 in monthly support. Thank you for allowing God to use YOU to accomplish all He has planned in St Kitts!

The Comers


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