Fully Funded Trip!


God is so good (of course)! In just a couple of weeks, we were blessed with support from friends and family and now our trip September 26 - October 2 is fully funded!

We can't wait to get down to St Kitts and really dig into what God is doing there. I don't think we have words to express our anticipation and excitement.

Lately Aaron and I have been studying a lot about the Holy Spirit and learning to have a Spirit led life. We are reading Radical by David Platt and Forgotten God by Francis Chan. Having the Spirit lead our every decision is our biggest prayer.We don't want to get so focused on our version of God's plan, only to miss what He really wants us to do. Please be praying with us that we listen to the Spirits direction. 

Now that our travel cost are covered, we would really like to be able to bring supplies for the Graysons and their ministries. We will be posting a full list of needs soon, but I know that they can always use toys as prizes for the Awana Club program and well as Awana materials. If you would like to donate supplies for us to take please e-mail me (Katelyn) at katelyncomer@hotmail.com and I will arrange to pick them up.

Thank you to everyone who has support us both with their donations and their prayers! Your quick and generous responses are more confirmation to us that God is leading us to a life serving in St Kitts.

Love You All,
  The Comers


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